Trip Logistics These are the key dates and times for staging your trip event. We understand travel with groups can have some timing flex, but your target times help the base camp staff prepare to integrate well with your game plan.
Travel Groups Enter the details for each travel group (or campsite group) you will stage. We will calculate how many tents and canoes you need to fit the selected package and your gender distribution based on these numbers. Your total of people here should equal your total packages. Couples = 2 people.
Max group size per campsite in Algonquin is 9. For youth trips, plan to have at least one adult per site.
Click the + icon to add a travel group.
Are all of the groups traveling together during the day?* In some cases, we may be able to allocate an extra canoe to accommodate your route plans.
Yes. We are taking the same route and will stick together. No. Some or all of the groups will take different routes.
Groups & Routes Detail* Use the space below to explain which of the groups above will travel together and which will be separate. That will help us calculate your canoe needs.
Access Point & Vehicle Spotting In some cases, we can arrange vehicle spotting to accommodate one-way trip routes. Please call our office to confirm availability BEFORE setting your final route plan.
You may need vehicles moved by Canadian staff if your route is not starting AND ending at either #5 Canoe Lake or #17 Shall Lake. If so, please indicate your plan below. This also a charge for dropping and/or retrieving canoes from any location other than #5 or #17.
If you are starting and ending at either #5 or #17, you will not need vehicle spotting. You will park your vehicle(s) at the access point (for free) during the week and transport yourself to and from base camp.